Putting Things in Perspective

I had originally had a blog in my head that would detail the Mets short-fallings, and ways for us to improve.  I actually had a three-step program in my head.  I was going to complain about the ESPN broadcasters and talk a little about the unfortunate situation with all these injuries.

But none of that really seems important now.  I, like many other Mets fans, heard the news of Scott Shoeneweis’s family last night.  I’ll be the first to tell you I was never a big fan of his.  I was calling for his trade this off season and glad to see him go.  Still, that didn’t mean I wished bad on him, I just wanted him off the team.  When I heard the tragic news of his wife, I immediately saw that winning and losing were not the most important things in the world.  So what if the Mets have lost four in a row?  We often forget that these players have lives, have families, and they sacrifice so much for us, the fans.  The whole point of baseball is to entertain the fans, so these men are giving up time with their families for us.  I just have to remember to appreciate the sacrifice they make for me when I want to get mad at one of them for making an error or giving up a home run.
My heart goes out to the Schoeneweis family, you’ll be in my prayers.

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